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Security Software

Portable Advanced Uninstaller PRO 13.27 Multilingual

Advanced Uninstaller PRO portable makes it easy to remove all damaged Start Menu shortcuts, to hide or show them at any time, and to alphabetically sort the entire Start Menu. The program can find and delete temporary files left behind by Windows, Internet Explorer, and other applications. You can also tweak Internet Explorer configuration settings, manage and uninstall fonts, uninstall unwanted Control Panel applets, and perform other system tasks efficiently.

Portable Slitheris Network Discovery Pro 1.1.314

Slitheris Network Discovery Portable is designed to agentlessly detect information from computers and other network devices, including those with credential or configuration issues. It’s popular among Managed Service Providers (MSPs), but is also useful for anyone who wants quick network overviews, with or without a lot of technical knowledge. Because Slitheris is new and fairly straightforward, this first user guide provides simply a quick overview.

Portable WinHex v20.8 Specialist Edition

WinHex portable is in its core a universal hexadecimal editor, particularly helpful in the realm of computer forensics, data recovery, low-level data processing, and IT security. An advanced tool for everyday and emergency use: inspect and edit all kinds of files, recover deleted files or lost data from hard drives with corrupt file systems or from digital camera cards.

Portable Hetman Internet Spy 3.7 Multilingual

This program analyzes the contents of both existing and deleted browser system files and collects detailed information on a user’s online activity. The utility allows you to analyze browsing history, social media messages, search history, emails, videos watched on YouTube, etc. The application will give you certain information even if the browsing history was deleted, the data was removed, or the disk was formatted.

Portable jv16 PowerTools Multilingual

jv16 PowerTools Portable is the ultimate Windows Optimization, System Cleaning and Error Fixing Utility Suite. The program allows users to remove hidden traces of previously uninstalled software, to clean the Windows registry for optimal performance and stability, and to fix many registry-based problems with a single mouse click. jv16 PowerTools optimizes, repairs, and maintains Windows based PCs making them running fast, safe, and free of problems.

Portable Webcam Surveyor Multilingual

Webcam Surveyor Portable is webcam software that combines video surveillance and video capture tools. With this program you can easily record videos, take shots or record sequences of images. Work as a motion detector, software alerts to be trigged by events: send a email alert, upload images to FTP site, capture all motion activity in AVI video format. This makes it possible for you to observe remotely whatever activity your camera captures. The built-in file browser helps to organize the resulting images and videos.

Portable UnHackMe 14.80.2023.0328 Multilingual

UnHackMe Portable - First BootWatch AntiRootkit! Now it is the must have tool for you! UnHackMe is specially designed to detect and remove Rootkits (a new generation of Trojan programs - invisible Trojans). A rootkit is a program that a hacker uses to mask intrusion and obtain administrator-level access to a computer or computer network. The intruder installs a rootkit on a computer using a user action or by exploiting a known vulnerability or cracking a password.

Portable Bulk Crap Uninstaller 5.5 Multilingual

Bulk Crap Uninstaller Portable is a free (as in speech) program uninstaller. It excels at removing large amounts of applications with minimal user input. It can clean up leftovers, detect orphaned applications, run uninstallers according to premade lists, and much more! Even though BCU was made with IT pros in mind, by default it is so straight-forward that anyone can use it effortlessly!

Portable ChrisPC Anonymous Proxy Pro 9.23.0208 Multilingual

ChrisPC Anonymous Proxy Pro Portable is the security tool everyone needs to use to protect their online experience. Browsing the web, shopping online, watching online TV channels or reading online newspapers is part of our daily lives. It is important to know that when we connect to the Internet, we are exposed, our shopping/browsing habits and confidential data are at risk.

Portable UVK Ultra Virus Killer Pro

UVK Ultra Virus Killer Portable is a powerful virus removal and Windows repair tool. With simple and intuitive interface, UVK allows users to detect and delete all types of malware and spyware from infected systems. It also includes lots of tools to repair windows after the disinfection. It offers a system booster, smart uninstaller, system immunization and repair, as well as managers for processes, memory modules and services, all of which are made available within a comprehensive and accessible interface.