Portable Advanced Renamer 4.09 (x64) Commercial Multilingual



Advanced Renamer Portable is program for renaming multiple files or folders at once. It can use several different methods for calculating the new name including multimedia tools for sound and picture files. Advanced Renamer Portable makes it easy to set up an advanced batch job using multiple methods on a large amount of files. The eight different methods make it possible for you to change the names, attributes and timestamps of files in one go. With Advanced Renamer Portable you can construct new file names by adding, removing, replacing, changing case, or giving the file a brand new name based on known information about the file.

This program is a great utility for organising digital pictures for both professionals and beginners. The thumbnail mode lets you display thumbnails directly in the file list giving you maximum control of the renaming process. With this program you can rename all your photos in a snap.

MP3 files often have messed up names and contain weird characters. With Advanced Renamer Portable you can change the names of your favourite music files to more suitable names using the built-in ID3 functions.

Selected features

  • Undo functionality
  • Real time preview of file rename
  • MP3/ID3 renaming
  • Regular expressions
  • Image renaming with EXIF support
  • Thumbnail view
  • Supports both files and folders
  • Several renaming methods
  • Use multiple methods at once
  • Tag rename

Renaming methods

  • New Name with Tags
  • New Case
  • Remove / Delete
  • Replace
  • Add / Insert
  • Move
  • List
  • File Attributes
  • File Timestamp

Native support for extracting metadata, like ID3, Exif, XMP, IPTC etc, from many popular media file formats.

Image file formats
.jpg, .jpeg, .jif, .jfif, .jfi, .jps, .mpo, .png, .apng, .gif, .bmp, .tiff, .tif, .dng, .cr2, .3fr, .arw, .srf, .sr2, .pef, .dcr, .kdc, .erf, .nrw, .nef, .orf, .rw2, .webp, .heic, .cr3, .heif, .hif, .avci, .ico, .cur, .psd, .xcf, .svg, .avif, .fff, .jp2, .jpx, .jpf, .jpm, .rwl, .srw

Video file formats
.wmv, .asf, .avi, .mov, .m4v, .qt, .mp4, .mj2, .ogv, .mkv, .webm, .m2v, .mpeg, .mpg

Audio file formats
.wma, .wav, .m4a, .m4b, .m4p, .mp4, .mp3, .flac, .aif, .aiff, .aifc, .aax, .ogg, .opus, .mka

Document file format
.docx, .docm, .pptx, .pptm, .xlsx, .xlsm, .odt, .odp, .ods

Other file formats
.exe, .ttf, .otf

File formats supported through external tools
.ai, .arq, .bpg, .ciff, .crw, .flif, .mrw, .pcd, .pct, .psp, .raf, .rwz, .aa, .ape, .wv, .crm, .mts, .m2ts, .pdf, .doc, .xls, .ppt, .dot, .rtf

More examples of use

  • Change the case of a filename to uppercase or lowercase, or change the case of the first letter in every word.
  • Replace a part of a filename based on a search pattern.
  • Add incrementing numbers with leading zeros to filenames.
  • Change file extensions.
  • Cleanup file names and remove spaces and underscores.
  • Add a prefix or suffix to filenames.
  • Copy or move files to other folders. New folder names can be constructed from file tags and patterns.
  • Revert names to original names if renaming batch goes wrong.
  • Organize music files based on ID3 tags.
  • Use EXIF information to sort image files and organize them in folders.
  • Save batch presets for later use or them with friends and colleagues.
  • Use Regular Expressions and wildcards to replace parts of file and folder names.
  • Add date taken to the file name of jpg/jpeg files taken with digital cameras.
  • Change existing numbers in filenames.
  • Trim unwanted characters from beginning and end of filename.
  • Add GPS coordinates or reverse geocode coordinates to add city name to file name.
  • Categorize video files by use of video tags.
  • Perform automatic batches through the console batch runner.
  • Randomize filenames for use in digital picture frames.
  • Extract metadata from image files in raw camera formats like Canon RAW, Nikon RAW, Sony RAW, FujiFilm RAW, or Pentax RAW.
  • Quick cleaning of files downloaded from the internet.
  • Flexible and efficient batch automation.
  • Organize images and videos downloaded from iPhone or Android.
  • Extend the batch renaming process with code written in JavaScript.
  • Strip special characters from names.
  • Quickly organize files by renaming them according to a consistent naming convention. This is useful for sorting and categorizing files based on content, date, or other criteria.
  • Rename files to include date and time information, making it easier to identify when the file was created or modified.
  • Modify file extensions in bulk, ensuring that files are correctly categorized or associated with the appropriate software.
  • Clean up file names by removing unwanted characters, spaces, or special symbols.
  • Enforce a consistent naming convention across files to maintain uniformity and enhance organization.
  • Integrate file renaming tasks into existing scripts or automated workflows to streamline repetitive processes.

Advanced Renamer Portable Release Notes:

  • File sizes formatted in bytes was not displayed correctly for files larger than 2 GB
  • Better support for GPS coordinates read from MP4 files
  • Improved the programs ability to remember the last used folder in Folder Panel
  • New case: Added Title case option as a new case type
  • New case: Added support for inverting character case when using regular expressions
  • New name method: Fixed adding tags with the tag links when the cursor position was at a multi byte character
  • Fixed bug where <Day> would show the numeric day -1
  • Changing the “Field for image date time operations” in Settings did nothing
  • Slight change to layout of method header
  • Setting to show list with stripes
  • Fixed timezone issue when changing timestamps on Windows
  • Changes to better support different default Windows text sizes
  • Fixed an issue where metadata wouldn’t be extracted correctly from PDF files
  • New method condition fields: “Path and name” and “New path and name”
  • New method condition matches: “Length shorter than” and “Length longer than”



Download  Advanced Renamer Portable

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RapidGator – 10.6 MB

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